Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sophia turned 1. We had her party on her actual birthday. We rented the bouncer-slide again, and it was a big hit with all the kids. I can't believe she is one already. The year has just flown by. I'm trying to cherish all the baby moments because I know it would last very much longer. She is standing up by herself but will not take a step. When she does stand up she expects everyone to clap for her. She has become quite the little diva. She has her three different crawls that she uses to get around, and she seems happy with that. She says "Mama, Dada, Uh-oh(her favorite), Thank you(dah- do), and what. We are working on bye-bye. She loves to give hi-fives, and raspberries. She is such a blessing to our family. We are so thankful for all our beautiful girls.


Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

I love B-day parties at the Smarts! Hopefully we never get sick of all the parties (especially since I'm tagging on to the busy season) Your girls are too cute!

Stef said...

You guys do such a good job at keeping up with all four! What I mean by that is, you have been consistent with birthdays and videos you make of them, pictures... etc... Sophia is so blessed to have you guys!