Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I know it has been a long time, but we have been busy! It was birthday season for the Smarts, 3 in 3 weeks. First up was Gracie's, she turned 5. She had a dog party, and we rented a bouncer-slide combo. As you can see from the pictures the kids had a blast. Isabel turned 3 two days later and she had her party at the Sawdust Factory. She got to put her hand print on the wall. It is so special to know it will be there for a long time. All the kids got to make a dog house or barn and choose an animal to go in it. As you can see all the creations turned out so cute. The best part no clean-up. More birthday posts next.


Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

The other day Nate kept asking me for "dog juice" over and over - I finally realized dog juice is juice in his doggy cup from Grace's party. It's become a regular request (thanks for giving me 4 cups so I always have a clean one)

Stef said...

Hunter still has his cow "10" (yes, as in the number)and he loves his pink and black barn!!!